STEREOBLINDNESS Severing the corpus callosum leads to a loss of stereopsis in the shaded part of a subject's visual world. Anyone who is blind in one eye will obviously have no stereopsis. But in the population of people with otherwise normal vision, a surprisingly sizable minority seem to lack stereopsis. If I show stereopairs like the first circles to a class of 100 students, using polaroids and polarized light, four or five students generally fail to see depth, usually to their surprise, because otherwise they seem to have managed perfectly well. This may seem strange if you have tried the experiment of driving with an eye closed, but it seems that in the absence of stereopsis the other cues to depth--parallax, perspective, depth from movement, occlusion--can in time do very well at compensating. We will see in Chapter 9 that if strabismus, a condition in which the two eyes point in different directions, occurs during infancy, it can lead to the breakdown in connections responsible for binocular interaction in the cortex and, with it, the loss of stereopsis. Since strabismus is common, mild forms of it that were never noticed may account for some cases of stereoblindness. In other cases, people may have a genetic defect in stereopsis, just as they can be genetically color-blind. Having paired the two topics, corpus callosum and stereopsis, I shouldn't miss the chance to capitalize on what they have in common. You can set yourself the following puzzle: What defect in stereopsis might you expect in someone whose corpus callosum has been severed? The answer is revealed in the illustration to the left. If you look at point P and consider a point Q, closer than P and falling in the acute angle FPF, the retinal images QL and QR of Q will fall on opposite sides of the two foveas: QL will project to your left hemisphere and QR will project to your right hemisphere. This information in the two hemispheres has to connect if the brain is to figure out that Q is closer than P--in other words, if it is to perform stereopsis. The only way it can get together is by the corpus callosum. If that path is destroyed, you will be stereoblind in the shaded area. In 1970 Donald Mitchell and Colin Blakemore, at the University of California, Berkeley, tested a subject who had had his corpus callosum cut to relieve epilepsy, and indeed, they found precisely this deficit.